Is Foam Roofing Right For You?

Is Foam Roofing Right For You?

Foam roofing can be an excellent choice for many homeowners who desire an easy to maintain and attractive roof over their heads. While spray foam roofing may not be for everybody, it certainly has its benefits. It is typically made from high quality resins that closely resemble the foam interior of baby bottles, offering a barrier between the underlying roof and the home’s exterior. A foam roofing system can help prevent roof leaks, provide added protection against hurricanes and severe weather, and reduce energy costs.

Although foam roofing does require a shorter installation time compared to traditional asphalt shingles, it is far easier to install and can save up to half the time it would take to install a roof with asphalt shingles. Foam roof systems are also far lighter than standard roofing systems such as asphalt, placing less stress on your roof’s frame. Spray foam roofing also can prevent standing water, a typical problem with traditional roof systems. And because it is lightweight and durable, it is more resistant to fire and other damage from the weather. If you are looking for an eco-friendly and energy efficient roofing system, then this coating may be the right choice for you.

Before purchasing any type of spray foam roofing, there are a few things that you should consider. The first is the amount of time it will take to install your new roof. This is especially important if you have a roof that has a high degree of slope. Even a light coat of spray polyurethane foam will reduce the amount of time it takes to install your new roof.

If you need a Foam Roof Estimate or Foam Roofing Repair in Phoenix, or Arizona contact Foam Experts Roofing today for help. 

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