Spray polyurethane foam roofing is durable, long lasting and generally low maintenance. Commercial spray polyurethane foam roofs can be installed over concrete, wood, steel, and most existing roof systems. Our highly skilled experts will help you complete your commercial foam roofing from start to finish.
Foam Roofing System Benefits:
- Leak free monolithic seal over your entire roof deck
- Self flashing
- High insulation value / rapid payback with energy savings
- Strong adhesion and wind uplift resistance
- Weather resistant
- Lightweight and high strength
Foam roofs in Arizona are generally a spray polyurethane foam(SPF) roofingproduct, which has excellent insulating and adhesion properties. Foam Experts is qualified to install polyurethane foam roofs in Arizona as well as perform foam roof repair in Arizona.
The ability of a polyurethane foam roof to adhere to any surface can save Arizona businesses on the expense of roof removal and landfill fees. Foam roofs can also last a long time. If properly maintained, a good spray polyurethane foam (SPF) roof can last 10-15 years. Foam Experts is a qualified Arizona contractor to perform foam roof maintenance and foam roof repair, including repairing a leaking flat roof. We are the #1 Commercial Roofing Phoenix Trusts with their roofs for their businesses!
Inspection & Repair
Flat roofs traditionally have more problems that sloped roofs simply because water tends to stand on the surface rather than drain away as it should. They also tend to have shorter life spans than sloped roofs because all kinds of problems can occur which means routine maintenance is key to keeping flat roofs in good shape.
Your best bet it to have our roofing professional perform a routine maintenance yearly on flat roofs to help extend the life of the roof and protect from leaks. If you are unsure about that status of your flat roof, call the experts at Foam Experts.