4 Ways to Prevent Leaks on Your Roof in Phoenix AZ

4 Ways to Prevent Leaks on Your Roof in Phoenix AZ

When it comes to maintaining your roof, you’ll need to take the necessary steps to protect it from damage or deterioration that can occur over time. Leaks are prone to developing on roofs and can cause extensive damage inside of the home. If you want to reduce the risk of leaks, there are a few main tips to follow as a homeowner. 

1. Replace Missing Shingles 

Shingles or tiles that are installed on roofs can become loose or fall off from time to time, leaving the roof deck exposed. You’ll need to inspect the roof every few months and replace the roofing materials immediately to ensure that the home is protected in each season. You’ll also need to secure loose shingles or tiles with roofing cement to ensure that they don’t fall off again. 

2. Clean the Rain Gutters 

Many homeowners forget to clean the rain gutters throughout the year, which can quickly lead to leaks. Removing debris and twigs in the rain gutters is necessary to prevent rainwater or melted snow from becoming backed up onto the roof, which can cause the roofing materials to deteriorate. Clean out the rain gutters at least twice each year, which will also prevent termites or critters from using the debris as a food source. If trees are in proximity to the gutters, then they should be cleaned every three months. 

3. Insulate the Attic 

The insulation in the attic will influence the lifespan of the roof and the number or repairs that can develop. You’ll need to insulate the attic with the use of a spray roof gun when accessing hard-to-reach areas. Insulating the attic will control the temperature inside of the space, which will prevent the roof from becoming too cold or hot throughout the year. When the roof reaches extreme temperatures, it can cause damage to the roofing materials and can gradually lead to leaks. 

4. Inspect the Flashing 

The flashing is responsible for sealing the roof and preventing water from leaking into the building. Hire our professionals to inspect the flashing once or twice each year to ensure that it’s in good condition and hasn’t suffered from damage or deterioration. 

Taking the necessary steps to protect your roof from leaks can reduce the number of roof repairs in Phoenix that are needed. You’ll also save thousands of dollars in repairs and increase the lifespan of your roof.


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