How Often Do You Replace a Roof or Shingles in Phoenix?

How Often Do You Replace a Roof or Shingles in Phoenix?

In Phoenix, AZ, snow isn’t exactly a problem that locals have to worry about, even in the winter. However, we’re no strangers to high winds that can knock the shingles off of roofs in seconds. If you find yourself replacing a few shingles on a regular basis, whether from wind storms or just normal wear and tear, this might be a sign that it’s time to look into a new roof. Rather than use shingles again, foam roofing is worth considering.

What’s the Difference with Foam?

Beyond the fact that there are zero shingles involved, this type of material is far more reliable than traditional shingle roofing. Foam is exactly what it sounds like; a specializes foam that covers your roof to create a secure barrier between the indoors and the outdoors. It eliminates the need for shingles or any additional materials to be placed on the top surface. Instead, the foam expands and locks to create a secure flat surface that is tough as nails against even the strongest of winds.

What About Leaks?

Rainstorms do not present a challenge to foam roofs because they are so durable. They create such a tight seal that they’re leak-proof and won’t expose your home to any outside conditions. If you’re tired of putting out bowls or pots to catch roof leaks when it rains, this is an excellent solution.

Is Maintenance Necessary?

Like with any roof, maintenance is an important part of keeping your foam roof in great shape. However, because the material has the ability to withstand the rain, high heat, and wind, maintenance is something you won’t mind having done. Fortunately, by doing so, your roof will last years longer than a traditional shingle roof would. What’s even better is that you’ll never have to replace another single again.

Making Your Roof Stronger and More Durable

Although shingle roofs are commonly found in Phoenix and the surrounding areas, more homeowners and business owners have shifted to foam roofs in recent years. This isn’t only because it eliminates the risk of losing shingles but also because it can help increase energy efficiency. By helping to minimize the escape of air inside, you may find that your energy bills are lower on a monthly basis. For those living in Arizona, this is one of the biggest advantages out there.

If you’re interested, give our experts at Foam Experts Roofing a call. From professional installation to professional equipment, we can help you every step of the way.

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