How to Choose a Phoenix Roof for Your House

How to Choose a Phoenix Roof for Your House

The roof is a feature that is long lasting but will need to be replaced over time once it begins to deteriorate. It can be challenging to know how to choose the right roof to replace it with to improve the quality of the office. When you’re ready to make your selection, there are a few factors to consider.

Materials – Many different materials are available for residential roofs, which include clay tiles, metal panels, asphalt shingles, and wood shakes. You’ll need to evaluate each material to determine if it fits within your budget and complements the architecture or style of your office. Clay tiles are prone to last an average of 80 years whereas metal panels have a lifespan of 50 years. Asphalt shingles are the most common roofing material and last 25 years before they need to be replaced.


Not only is the cost of the roofing material a starting point for knowing if you can afford the product, but you’ll also need to research the price tag that comes with the installation. Some materials like asphalt shingles can easily be installed by all roofing companies whereas slate tiles will cost more. The shape of your roof will also influence the overall cost. You can expect to pay less if you have a roof that doesn’t have any breaks or planes but will have a higher price tag if your office has multiple chimneys, skylights, and elements.

It’s also necessary to consider the cost of insulation that will also need to be added, which will contribute to the cost of the project. Many people use spray foam insulation to control their heating and cooling costs.


You’ll want to select a certain roofing material based on how long you plan to work in the office in the coming years. Those who plan to resell their house in the next year or two can choose asphalt shingles to avoid investing too much money if they want to relocate soon. If you’re currently living in an office and don’t plan to relocate, you can choose roofs that have more longevity like clay or slate tiles to ensure that you get more use out of the feature.

Installing a new roof on your office can be done by the professionals, but you’ll need to make the right selection when choosing the material. By considering your options and how each one compares to one another, you can make the right choice that suits your office’s needs.

Call our team at Foam Experts Roofing to learn What’s the Best Roof for your Phoenix home or business?

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