Is Your Roof Prepared for the Next Wind Storm? (especially Monsoon Season)

Is Your Roof Prepared for the Next Wind Storm? (especially Monsoon Season)

Phoenix, AZ has beautiful weather all throughout the year, albeit with blistering high temperatures at times. However, the weather isn’t always perfectly warm. While you won’t experience snow, wind storms are quite common. Is your roof strong enough to withstand raging winds with dust and dirt in the mix especially in Monsoon Season? If you have a foam roof, you won’t have to worry.

Advantages of a Foam Roof During the Wind Storm

1. No Shingles

Shingles can easily be blown off during wind storms, which weakens your roof overall and leaves it susceptible to leaks. With a foam roof, this isn’t the case. The foam is flat, compact, and doesn’t have any pieces that can fly off.

2. Insulation

Are you worried that dust particles will come in through your roof and flair up your allergies? Foam roofs are completely sealed and insulated so you don’t have to worry about dust coming in. Without air pockets, your home is better protected from dust and you can worry less about allergies.

3. Durability

Often times, wind storms in the Phoenix area can blow large rocks and pebbles onto your roof. While this would cause damage to most tile roofs (or those with shingles), foam roofs will stand strong. This material absorbs the shock of the high winds and impact of pebbles and rocks with ease.

4. Savings

When you’re not stuck replacing shingles or repairing damage, you will spend less money on your roof overall. This makes the initial cost of a foam roof well worth it, especially if you’re looking for the best investment.

5. Noise

Wind storms can be noisy, especially when pebbles and dirt are flying onto your roof. Fortunately, foam roofs are much better at reducing noise so you can relax at home without listening to the wind all night long.

Preparing for the Next Wind Storm

While wind storms in the Phoenix area don’t happen all the time, they can be expected at least a few times per year. With a quality foam roof, you won’t have to worry about this weather event causing you problems. It’s an investment that many have made for all the benefits, especially during storms and inclement weather.

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