How to Increase the Lifespan of Your Roof in Arizona

How to Increase the Lifespan of Your Roof in Arizona

Roofer AZ

The roof is built with durable materials that are designed to last for several decades, but the structure can begin to deteriorate over time and will eventually need to be replaced. Fortunately, there are many ways to protect the structure and increase its durability. When you want to increase the lifespan of the roof, there are a few necessary steps to take. 

Perform Inspections 

Hire a professional roofer to perform an inspection on the roof every six months to identify any areas that need attention. The roofer can inspect the materials after the winter season comes to an end or after a severe storm to check for leaks and if any tiles or shingles are missing. The inspection can also include examining at the flashing and inspecting the roof for nests or signs of animals that are present. 

Remove Ice Dams 

During the winter season, the roof is prone to having ice dams that form in the low temperatures when snow begins to freeze on the home. You can remove ice dams that form by using a roof rake to prevent damage to the shingles and tiles. You may also want to add more insulation to the attic with a spray roof gun to prevent ice dams from forming throughout the season. Proper insulation will also prevent premature aging of the roof. 

Keep the Gutters Clean 

Make it a point to keep the gutters clean by removing debris that accumulates throughout the month to promote proper drainage on the roof. If the gutters aren’t kept clean, it can begin to cause rainwater to back up onto the roof, which will eventually lead to leaks. Leaves and twigs in the gutters can also invite critters and insects, which can begin to cause damage to the building. 

Replace Missing Shingles 

The roof deck needs to be protected at all times to prevent leaks from occurring, making it necessary to hire a professional to install new materials. Any time you notice shingles or tiles in your yard, it’s a sign that the roof deck is exposed and needs attention. 

With proper care and maintenance, you can have peace of mind knowing that your roof will last longer while protecting the materials. You can save money on repairs and limit the amount of deterioration or wear that occurs as a homeowner.


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