3 Helpful Tips For Preparing Your Roof For Storm Season in Mesa

3 Helpful Tips For Preparing Your Roof For Storm Season in Mesa

Storms can be beautiful to watch but can wreak havoc on your home. When it comes to your roof, elements like water, high winds, and hail can create an immense amount of damage. Damages can be very costly to fix. Since your roof is not a part of your home that can be left unfixed until you get the money saved up, it’s important you take all safety measures to prevent against unwanted damage. Here are some helpful tips that can help you better prepare your roof for storm season to reduce the likelihood of damage.

1. Remove Overhanging Branches

One of the biggest issues when it comes to storm season and your roof is tree branches. With high winds, branches are more likely to crack. This means falling branches hitting your roof. When a branch falls on your roof, it can create a number of issues. From slightly damaging the shingles to blasting a hole through your roof, branches can be a dangerous issue. You should prevent this problem by trimming any major branches that overhang your roof. This will also help to prevent against leaf build up in your gutters. 

2. Assess Your Flashing

For those of you who are unfamiliar with what flashing entails, we’re going to start our discussion there. Flashing is the metal piece that forms a seam with your roof around an opening, such as your chimney and vents. It’s a good idea to have your flashing regularly assessed to ensure that it’s in good condition and not loose. Loose flashing can easily get ripped off in the high winds of spring storms. In addition, flashing that is damaged can allow for roof leaks during heavy rainfall. 

3. Secure Gutters

While you may not think of gutters as an important component of your roof, they are. Gutters and their downspouts allow for the proper drainage of water, snow, and other elements from the roof of your home. When gutters have problems, it can create multiple issues for your roof. For example, if a gutter is clogged with say leaves, it can prevent the water from draining off of your roof. This could lead to water backup and, ultimately, water leaks in your roof. You should ensure all your gutters are properly secured to your home, all your downspouts are aimed in the correct water release zone, and clean out all your gutters to ensure easy flow of water. 

By paying close attention to the three tips above, you’ll be well on your way to preventing major catastrophe during the spring storm season. As a homeowner, it’s your responsibility to ensure that you take these measures to protect the structural integrity of your home. Your roof, just like any other component of your home, needs regular maintenance in order to ensure it works as it should. Call our roofing company in Mesa AZ to schedule an appointment with our professionals

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