Roof Repair, Roof Installation and Best Foam Roofing in Mesa AZ, Free Estimates

Roof Repair, Roof Installation and Best Foam Roofing in Mesa AZ, Free Estimates

The roof on your house looks tired and worn out? Or perhaps the roof leaks yet you did some expensive renovations only a few months back. You are right to start thinking about getting a roof with a difference: A roof that can give you a permanent solution. Otherwise, having roof repairs every other time will make you break your bank account.

For the Phoenix, Tucson home and commercial property owners interested in a long-lasting roof option, it is time to talk foam roof.

Foam roof, or spray polyurethane foam (SPF), gives your building a flawless waterproofing cover. It’s so hard. It can last a lifetime.

What is foam roof?

Polyurethane foam product is a mixture of polyol and iscyanate. A Mesa, AZ roof contractor will heat these two chemicals in a proportioner and later feed them through a spray gun for further mixing and spreading on roof foundations.

The foam roofing material will come out as a liquid, but will harden into a durable, unspoiled and continuous thick envelope. SPF can form a 1.5” thick waterproofing barrier giving your building flawless protection against leaks and the vagaries of weather.

SPF Advantages

• Foam roofing can easily bond around any installations you have on your roof including vents, pipes, and edges. As a result, your house will gain an impenetrable cover thus ensuring a dry interior always.
• A foam insulated building will have a roof surface that easily drains away any standing water and improves the drainage
• SPF is a proven leak protection roofing formula

Installing a Foam Roof

SPF fits well on a clean foundation. The surface on which to spread the liquid material must be dry, uncontaminated with oily substances, and also have a properly fastened substrate. Your roofing contractor in Mesa, AZ will spray a protective elastomeric top coat before the SPF spread.

Long Term Savings

The foam roof will not only make your house strikingly beautiful, but also save you money as the roof does not require re-roofing. There are estimates that homeowners can save up to 75 per cent of repair costs over the years.

Unique Insulating qualities

Spray polyurethane foam is a super insulator that guarantees that your roof never soaks up water. However, work with qualified roof installers to assure of a perfectly roofing job. Several other features make foam roofs an advantage: SPF can significantly reduce your heating and cooling bills. As the foam roof requires no re-roofing, your waste bill is also drastically less.

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