4 Signs That A Foam Roof is Right For Your Warehouse in Mesa AZ

4 Signs That A Foam Roof is Right For Your Warehouse in Mesa AZ

If you own a warehouse in Mesa, AZ or the surrounding areas, then you know how important building maintenance can be. The roof, in particular, is one area that you should pay close attention to. If you’ve been thinking about replacing yours with a foam roof, you might be wondering if this is the right decision. To simplify the decision, see if you recognize any of the signs below. If you do, then it’s likely time to invest in your roof.

1. It Doesn’t Stay Cool

Since Mesa sees 100+ degree temperatures throughout the majority of the year, an air conditioner is essential. If you keep yours running in your warehouse but it’s never truly comfortable, this may be a problem with your roof. If it’s weak and allowing air to pass through, then that cold air could easily be lost. With a spray foam roof, you’ll avoid this loss with an airtight seal where it matters the most.

2. Water is Pooling on the Roof

One of the biggest problems with flat roofs is that they can begin to cave over time. This can cause water to pool in certain areas when it rains, which can lead to water damage. If this is the case, then a foam roof is likely the right fit. This will create an even surface that is perfectly airtight and doesn’t allow water to pool.

3. The Roof is Damaged

If the roof of your warehouse is damaged from old age or bad weather, then spray foam can be an ideal way to fix it. Not only is this more affordable than traditional flat roofs, it also requires less construction. That’s because this material can be sprayed on top of your existing roof to create a strong and secure surface. This can eliminate the damage and leave you with a more secure building to continue working in.

4. Water Leaks are Normal

When monsoon season hits, your warehouse should be able to withstand the rain and wind. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. If you are regularly collecting water in buckets, then a spray foam roof can benefit you greatly. Since the foam expands, it will create a watertight barrier that prevents water from seeping through. This can make your warehouse safer and prevent additional damage to the building.

Are you ready to invest in a spray foam roof in Mesa, AZ? Our team at Foam Experts Roofing would love to help. We offer free estimates and the expertise that you need to have the installation done properly.

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