3 Signs It’s Time for a Spray Foam Roof in Tucson AZ

3 Signs It’s Time for a Spray Foam Roof in Tucson AZ

A roof is one of the most important features of your business structure, especially in Tucson where the sun produces sweltering heat. If you have noticed any of the issues below, then you may want to consider having a spray foam roof installed. Not only is this type of roof lightweight and durable but it’s also incredibly affordable and easy to maintain. It’s an excellent choice for business structures of all sizes and just might be the answer to your roofing problems.

1. Leaks That Interrupt Business

Monsoon season or even just occasion rainstorms can become a huge problem if you have holes on your roof. From slippery floors to a risk of mold from moisture, it’s something you’ll want to avoid at all costs. Unfortunately, these leaks aren’t always easy to find and can be expensive to repair. By switching to a spray foam roof, you can have those holes covered and secured since this material expands and creates an airtight barrier. What’s even better is the fact that spray foam doesn’t require shingles or additional materials to be placed on top, so you are less likely to experience damage during storms in the future.

2. Pooling Water

Pooling water after rainstorms is common for businesses that have flat roofs. While these can dry up after a few days, the excess water can begin to weigh down the roof and increase the risk of interior damage. If this keeps happening and you’re noticing problems like water damage or leaks, then it’s time to make a change. Since spray foam expands and seals, it’s a great option for flat roofs. This can help reduce pooling and allow water to naturally fall off after it rains.

3. Your A/C is Working Overtime

Air escaping out of the roof is common for older businesses. Unfortunately, this can leave your air conditioner working overtime and your employees uncomfortable when inside. If you decide to have a spray foam roof installed as an alternative, you’ll find that these problems are eliminated. The seal that spray foam creates prevents air from escaping so the interior stays cooler without the a/c working harder. This can ultimately save you money and help your employees stay cool even when temperatures soar.

Updating Your Tucson, AZ Business

If your Tucson, AZ roof isn’t in the best shape, have our team at Foam Experts Roofing, Inc. take a look. We offer free inspections so we can tell you whether or not a replacement is a good idea. Our team can also give you a free estimate and personalized advice about the benefits of spray foam.

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