How to Prevent Damage to Your Roof

How to Prevent Damage to Your Roof

The roof of any building is considered to be extremely durable and can withstand exposure to different types of environmental elements. Unfortunately, damage can occur in extreme weather or due to a lack of maintenance on the property. If you want to prevent damage to your roof, there are a few important steps to take as a homeowner.

Keep the Attic Cold

Keeping your attic cold is necessary to ensure that heat can escape, which will allow snow to melt properly. Make it a point to insulate the space with a spray roof gun to ensure that the temperature is controlled in the building. Using a fan in the attic will also help to circulate air in each season. 

Clean the Gutters

Cleaning the gutters is necessary to ensure that water can properly drain off of the roof to prevent it from sitting on the shingles or tiles. If the gutters aren’t cleaned, too much ice can also build up during the winter season, which can cause them to become too heavy and fall off of the building. Removing leaves and debris will also prevent animals or critters from feeding off the material and causing damage to the roof.

Remove Snow

Although it may look beautiful to have snow on your roof, it can also lead to an extensive amount of damage in the winter season. Make it a point to use a roof rake to remove snow that builds up to prevent it from freezing, which can rip the roofing materials off of the roof deck. Many roof rakes won’t damage the materials and are lightweight, making them easy to use. Start from the edge of the roof upward and work slowly. Avoid knocking off icicles, which can cause damage to the eaves, gutters, and flashing. 

Cut Branches

Cut back branches that are on nearby trees to prevent them from coming in contact with the roofing materials and damaging the building. The branches can puncture the roof during high winds and can also allow animals to have access to the roof, which can lead to nests and damage. 

Maintaining your roofing structure will prevent damage from occurring throughout the year and can allow you to avoid spending money on costly repairs. With the right maintenance performed you’ll also increase the lifespan of the roofing materials that are installed.

If you have a damaged roof in Phoenix, Lake Havasu, Mesa, Tucson or anywhere in the state of Arizona call our Roofing Experts today for a FREE Estimate

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